Corporate Social Responsibility
Cheetham Salt is proud of its long-term commitment to Australian manufacturing. We recognise that generating profits rewards shareholders and creates the ability to support social and environmental activities in our communities.
Cheetham Salt operates in diverse communities across rural Australia. In those communities, we proudly support Australian businesses, suppliers, and primary producers so they can grow and develop. We invest in the development of our people and in building up the skills-base of the communities where we work.
Our sites provide important ecological habitats for birds and plants of state, national or international significance. We continuously review our site management practices to ensure we protect the environment and provide a sanctuary for native flora and fauna.
We also aid the environment by having low energy input and minimal industrial impact. The sun and wind provide sufficient energy to evaporate the lake and sea water we use to create salt. Solar salt production is natural and eco-friendly, and has a low carbon footprint. We are certified to ISO 14001 standards and committed to an environmental protection ethos.